Hi all,

best wishes for the New Year! - And a question :-)

We have a DR500 - this is a IBM solution containing a pSeries,
some FC storage and running AIX with a TSM/SSAM; but I think
the same question would arise in a "normal" TSM.

Our DR550 is running SSAM 5.4:

tsm: DR550PP> q status
Storage Management Server for AIX-RS/6000 - Version 5, Release 4, Level 1.0

Data are fed into this DR550 via API from a CommonStore for SAP.

As I understand it, the CommonStore sends the data "one by one", so the
data in the primary pool is not aggregated
(verified by "select ... from contents").

I have defined a copy storage pool (devclass type FILE) and would like the
data to be ("re-")aggregated in the the copy pool (there are many very small
files and we ususally get only about 600 to 1000 MB into a 5 GB data file
volume - as seen by "q vol").

Is this possible?
Any ideas?


Andreas Priebe
Leiter Rechenzentrum

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