Some months ago I reported that some of the DB2 servers at our site were 
archived files during database backups. The TSM server ended up cancelling at 
one and sometimes more than one of our offsite tape reclamation processes to 
tape drives available for the retrieve operations. I got a response from Michael
Garnebode explaining that the fix was to put "exclude logs" in the configuration
files for DB2 backups. When I asked our DBAs to do this I found out that 
the logs in DB2 backups was a deliberate choice which they were very reluctant 
give up. At the time I was willing to settle for a compromise: keep including 
logs but reschedule some DB2 backups so that there was never more than one 
retrieve, and never more than one reclamation process cancelled. The TSM 
has increased since then, and I would rather not have any reclamation processes
cancelled on a routine basis. My impression is that the "include logs" option is
completely pointless in a TSM environment. Is this correct? 

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