Hi Zoltan,
   a reason for being cut off could be the
setting in the mail-delivery-process at VCU.

In mid 2010 I had a problem with another list and it turned out to be
a problem at my site with a hopcount=20. After an increase by 5, i.e.
hopcount=25, most of the problems vanished.

In a correspondance with the listowner and NOT using the listserver,
I received a mail-attachment containing the following 2 interesting lines:

        Failed to deliver to '<p...@mailvip.rz.tu-bs.de>'
        mail loop: too many hops (too many 'Received:' header fields)

After some research, i.e. counting "Received"-lines in mails coming
from various listservers, I found that listserver sites AS WELL AS
the mail-sender AND mail-receiving-sites had introduced
virus-checking for in- and outgoing mail, resulting in a notable increase
of "Received"-lines.

For my site, lifting the hopcount by 5 was sufficient to get things going
in my case, but I guess that another increase is needed in the future,
because I currently don't receive mail from ADSM-L which originated from
Prather Wanda.

Zoltan, please have a word with your people being in charge of
mail-matters, wether they can see something in their logs or just ask
MARIST-people wether they can find something in their logs.

Hope, my findings will be of some use,


On Tue, 15 Mar 2011, Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU wrote:


I have been trying to get ahold of someone at MARIST to try to figure out
why ADSM-L listserve traffic back to us at VCU stopped 03/01/2011 (last
post I got was 02/28).

My subscription still works since I can see my posts via WWW.ADSM.ORG
Zoltan Forray
TSM Software & Hardware Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services
zfor...@vcu.edu - 804-828-4807
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