How are those of you who run TSM servers or storage agents on Linux on Intel 
doing with disruptions with SAN-attached tape devices or the SAN fabric itself?

In my current shop, we run TSM servers on AIX (and MVS, but that's another 
story), but we have storage agents on AIX, Windows, and Red Hat Linux on Intel. 
The Linux storage agents are relatively new; they were first deployed about two 
years ago. AIX and Windows storage agents have been there a bit longer, 
although I can't say how much longer; I, too, have been there less than two 

One problem that we've never been able to overcome with our Linux storage 
agents has been that if a virtual tape library is rebooted or if the SAN fabric 
gets massively unzoned (it happened about a month ago to us, sigh), the Linux 
storage agents don't notice the return of the SAN-attached tape devices until 
we reboot the Linux server. (We never had the Linux servers zoned to real 3584s 
and real LTO tape devices; they've only ever been zoned up to EMC Clariian Disk 
Libraries and then DataDomains with VTL cards in them.) This has persisted 
across updates to LINtape, CDL code levels, Data Domain code levels, and TSM 
storage agent levels. Needless to say, the application teams are rather steamed 
with us about this. 

We have at times had cases open simultaneously with EMC, Red Hat, and IBM, to 
no avail. 

If you have Linux TSM servers or storage agents that gracefully recover from 
disruptions on your tape SAN, can you share with me (and the rest of the list, 
if you want) RHEL level, device driver levels, HBA configuration, and whatever 
else you think might be relevant? 


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