>From the tsm server use
Q file <tdp_node_name>
Show version <tdp_node_name> <fsid> nametype=fsid
To see the actual file names that TSM is saving your tdp data under...
If varies across tdp products but typically the name used in tsm in a unique
name each backup.


-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU] On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2011 9:26 AM
Subject: [ADSM-L] TDp and retention settings question

I'm trying to find the missing link in what i see setup versus what i can
see out of the tdp gui in terms of inactive/active versions listed.

the copygroup policy settings for this tdp node as a such:

Versions Data Exists: No Limit
Versions Data Deleted: No Limit
Retain Extra Versions: 14
Retain Only Version: 30

tdp is set to backup full daily.

When firing up the tdp gui on the node, i see 26 inactive and 1 active full
backups ready for restore.

my question is the relationship between the settings and the number of
backups i see. in my thinking, i'm considering the daily fulls as the same
object or file to tsm. in this case, we would be grabbing different versions
of the same file, wouldnt the 14 day version setting kick in and i should
only see 14 inactives and 1 active full?

but i see nearly 30 inactives with different object ids. so is the process
that tsm considers each full backup a different object/file? Seems to be
true given the differing object ids. if that is the case, is the link i'm
missing is that TDP in the process of backing up the nightly full, deletes
the prior day's full. This sends the file to inactive state in tsm and then
subject to the retain only version setting?

other posts have suggested matching the extra versions and only versions
settings. what's the implication in doing so?


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