Hi Hans,
        We are still having problem with the expiration on some filesystem node 
but instead of hanging, the DB is growing at an incredible pace then TSM 
crashes. This is with 6.1.3 and cancel expiration command would not respond. We 
identified some Windows 2008 servers (Systemstate filesystem) that was so big 
(14M entries) and excluded them from Expiration process. Expiration runs very 
fine since then and we were hoping 6.2.2 would solve the problem but from what 
you experience it does not look good.

Pierre Billaudeau
Analyste en stockage
Livraison des Infrastructures Serveurs
Société des Alcools du Québec
514-254-6000 x 6559

-----Message d'origine-----
De : ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU] De la part de Hans 
Christian Riksheim
Envoyé : 13 avril 2011 04:18
Objet : [ADSM-L] Expiration causes backups to hang


anyone else have this problem? Running 6.2.2 on AIX 6.1. Submitting a PMR on
this in parallell.

When I say hang I mean a complete hang. All incoming backups stops. Traffic
is resumed when we cancel expiration.

Hans Chr.


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