The restrictions cited in the Technote serve as further evidence that Java is a 
failure and liability as a software execution environment.  Every package we 
come upon that employs Java imposes severe restrictions within which it will 
function, with specific Java requirements that can make it impossible to 
implement multiple Java-based applications in the same computer because of 
their conflicting requirements.  Past postings in the ADSM-L archives express 
customer dissatisfaction in dealing with Java.  The fragmentation and 
disparities in Java make it an IT liability.

IBM obviously went to Java so as to have a develop-once approach for writing 
software for multiple platforms.  But while Java is a convenience for 
developers, it is perpetually problematic for customers.  As a software 
developer, I view Java as a fad which has fallen flat, creating more problems 
than it solves, getting worse rather than better over time.

    Richard Sims

On May 4, 2011, at 7:12 AM, Wei JW Ji wrote:

> I believe there are several defects On IE 8, that's why we do not
> officially declared about that.
> And AC 6.2 only declared work with Firefox 3.5-
> This is the document, you can refer to "Additional Software" section.
> Please use Firefox 3.0 or early version, which has been tested.
> Thanks,
> Hunter

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