We have found that moving the data to a serial disk pool first, before 
exporting the data (server-to-server), can really speed things up.  In fact, I 
am suspicious that TSM may not be optimizing tape mounts for node exports, or 
at least under some circumstances.  We observed very iffy behavior in this 
respect but never had time to investigate it enough to open an ETR on it.  
Check your actlog to see if you are seeing a lot of tape mount activity 
associated with the export process.

If you are doing server-to-tape export, the above recommendation may not apply.


At 02:04 PM 7/7/2011, Hughes, Timothy wrote:
>I am currently doing exports  and some of the exports are large (in my 
>opinion)  and they are taking days anyone know how these can be sped up? Or 
>its just waiting game? Also we can't leave the running overnight during 
>backups because a least 2 times they have caused server the clients are being 
>imported to hang.
>Also, has anyone had a issue where suspending exports caused the destination 
>TSM  server to Hang or crash?
>Some Export total files and files remaining
>Total files to be transferred: 132,929
>               Files remaining: 119,517
>Total files to be transferred: 511,889
>               Files remaining: 426,470
>Total files to be transferred: 356,733
>               Files remaining: 191,494
>Total files to be transferred: 816,599
>               Files remaining: 815,917
>Total files to be transferred: 132,929
>               Files remaining: 119,517
>Total files to be transferred: 511,889
>               Files remaining: 426,470
> Total files to be transferred: 356,733
>               Files remaining: 191,494
>Total files to be transferred: 1,414,575
>               Files remaining: 1,229,671
>Thanks in advance for any comments!

Paul Zarnowski                            Ph: 607-255-4757
Manager, Storage Services                 Fx: 607-255-8521
719 Rhodes Hall, Ithaca, NY 14853-3801    Em: p...@cornell.edu

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