that is a very good hint.

in one environment with lots of DB2 TSM clients DB2 was, during the backup, 
recalling the archived redo logs. Because recalls take precedence over backups, 
the DB2 backups were basically killing all other backups that might need the 
same tape volume.

We solved that using group collocation, so that DB2 had it's own dedicated set 
of tapes. The better way is to have the DB2 admins add 'exclude logs' to their 
db2 backup db commands. The DB2 redo logs are already in TSM so recalling them 
to add them to the backup makes very little sense (unless you you active data 
pools.... that have to contain the most recent DB2 backup including logs).

On 6 sep. 2011, at 20:20, Carlo Zanelli wrote:

> Zoltan,
> investigate more deeply this "ACIPENSER.VCU.EDU (TDP MSSQL Win32) terminated 
> - preempted by another operation."
> Seems another operation (MSSQL or TSM MSSQL related) is killing your session, 
> if so, is not a timeout question.
> Kindly,
> Carlo.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU] On Behalf Of 
> Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU
> Sent: martedì 6 settembre 2011 19:13
> Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] LARGE MS-SQL TDP backup keeps failing
> I don't think there is a firewall.
> Well, it got further (700GB) before being killed by the TSM server.
> 9/6/2011 12:05:04 PM ANR0524W Transaction failed for session 59224 for node 
> ACIPENSER.VCU.EDU (TDP MSSQL Win32) - data transfer interrupted.
> 9/6/2011 12:05:05 PM ANR0487W Session 59224 for node ACIPENSER.VCU.EDU (TDP 
> MSSQL Win32) terminated - preempted by another operation.
> At this rate, I don't think it is possible to back it up, especially if it is 
> making this 1-4TB transaction.
> I again have to ask the question - can you tell the SQL TDP to break-up the 
> backup into multiple transactions, like you can with the Oracle TDP?
> From:   Thomas Denier <>
> Date:   09/06/2011 10:27 AM
> Subject:        Re: [ADSM-L] LARGE MS-SQL TDP backup keeps failing
> Sent by:        "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU>
> -----Zoltan Forray wrote: -----
>> I am trying to backup a LARGE SQL (4TB) database via the SQL TDP, 
>> without success.
>> It will run for a while and then die - usually with the error:
>> ANS1017E (RC-50): Session Rejected : TCP/IP communications failure.
>> The last try backed up 125GB before failing.
>> I have greatly increased the server communication timeout (6000
>> seconds) guessing it is a timeout issue.
>> I know very little about the SQL TDP (v5.5.5.0 - base TSM client is
>> - yes I know it needs updating) and config options.  Is there a 
>> way to breakup the backup into chunks, like you can do with Oracle 
>> backups?
>> Suggestions?
> Does the backup pass through a firewall? Firewalls generally have a timeout 
> period for idle TCP sessions. This is rarely more than an hour, and I have 
> heard of firewalls with the timeout set as low as
> 15 minutes.
> -----   
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Met vriendelijke groeten/Kind Regards,

Remco Post
+31 6 248 21 622

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