We just ran an initial backup of a Windows 2003 MS SQL server with TSM client code. We got the following errors:

ANE4987E (Session: 172392, Node: MHDHSMSQL)  Error
 processing '\\mhdhsmsql\c$\Program Files\Microsoft SQL
 Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Data\tempdb.mdf': the object is in
 use by another process (SESSION: 172392)
ANE4987E (Session: 172392, Node: MHDHSMSQL)  Error
 processing '\\mhdhsmsql\c$\Program Files\Microsoft SQL
 Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Data\templog.ldf': the object is in
 use by another process (SESSION: 172392)

The last two exclude statements in dsm.opt are as follows:

Exclude "*.mdf"
Exclude "*.ldf"

I had the system administrator send me the output from 'query inclexcl'.
The last six lines are as follows:

Exclude All       *\...\*.ldf                    dsm.opt
Exclude All       *\...\*.mdf                    dsm.opt
Exclude All       C:\Program files\tivoli\tsm\baclient\dsmsched.log dsm.opt
Exclude All       *\...\SYSTEM32\CONFIG\...\*    dsm.opt
Exclude All       *\...\pagefile.sys             dsm.opt
No DFS include/exclude statements defined.

I would have thought the *.mdf and *.ldf excludes would have covered the
files named in the ANE4987E messages. However, I am wondering about the
lack of drive letters in these excludes. All of the sample exclude
statements in the Windows client manual include drive letter specifications
(sometimes involving wildcard characters) and colons. This being TSM
documentation, there is neither an explicit statement that drive
letter specifications are mandatory nor an explanation of the rules
governing excludes without drive letters. Should the exclude statements
above work as I would expect, excluding files with ldf and mdf
extensions regardless of which drive the files are on and regardless
of what folder the files are in? 

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