On 01/19/2012 01:37 AM, Roger Deschner wrote:

Pay attention to the fact that typically rmtN, mtN, and TSM driveN
device numbers will be different. Make sure the serial numbers in TSM Q
DRIVE F=D are correct.

... This, a whole bunch.    I'll drop a few scripts here I use to
automate the process.

First, I've got a file which associates TSM drive names with serial
numbers.  In my scripts it's referenced as
'/var/tsm/base/etc/device-correspondence.csv', but of course you can
store it anywhere.   It looks like this:


The third field there is me keeping track of how the 3494 sees the
drive.  Useful to communicate with SE, who'll tell you that "drive 300
had an intervention".  My scripts only use the first two fields;
unfinished plans, et. alia.

Then I've got the attached script 'tape-config', which looks at all of
your tape devices and ties them, through the serial number, to your TSM
drive label.  It drops a bunch of files in ".", each one of which holds
all the lsdev output for devices attached to that serial.

The last step is the attached script 'tape-paths', which takes all the
collected devices, and then dumps path updates (or if you tell it to,
defines) to stdout.  It expects to be run in the directory where you
collected tape-config.  Its output looks something like this:

root@tsm4 tapes-2011-12 # ./tape-paths  -server foo -define
define path foo DRIVE9 srct=server destt=drive libr=3592lib
define path foo DRIVE6 srct=server destt=drive libr=3592lib
define path foo DRIVE8 srct=server destt=drive libr=3592lib

root@tsm4 tapes-2011-12 # ./tape-paths  -server foo
update path foo DRIVE9 srct=server destt=drive libr=3592lib
update path foo DRIVE6 srct=server destt=drive libr=3592lib
update path foo DRIVE8 srct=server destt=drive libr=3592lib

.... All in all, it's sufficiently easy that I approach even broad
renumbering and fabric changes with equanimity.   We recently split our
fiber into two independant fabrics, and I basically:

+ set all drives offline.

+ recabled the last few links.

+ rmdev -d -l every rmt device

+ cfgmgr

+ instAtape -a to get multipath data in place

+ run tape-config

and then at the bash prompt:

# for server in int ext glmail01 glmail02 whole list of servers; \
  tape-paths -server $server

which gives output you can just paste into your library manager.

- Allen S. Rout


use FileHandle;
use Data::Dumper;

my $verbose =1;
my $in = new FileHandle;
my $drives = {};

my $out = {};


while (<$in>)
#    print;
    my ($tsm,$sn) = split(/,/);
    $drives->{$sn} = $tsm;

# print Dumper($drives);

$in->open("/usr/sbin/lscfg | grep rmt |");

while (<$in>)
    my ($junk,$rmt,@junk) = split;
#    print $rmt,"\n";
    my (@tape) = `/usr/sbin/lscfg -vl $rmt`;
    my ($snline) = grep{/Serial Number\.+(\d+)$/}  @tape;
#    print $snline;
    my ($sn) = $snline =~ /Serial Number\.+(\d+)$/;
    my $drive = $drives->{$sn};

    $verbose && print "$rmt:\tNew entry for '$drive'\n";
    $out->{$sn} = new FileHandle(">./serial-$sn-$drive") unless 

    $out->{$sn}->print( `/usr/sbin/lsdev -l $rmt` );



use FileHandle;
use Data::Dumper;
use Getopt::Long;

my $verbose =1;
my $in = new FileHandle;
my $drives = {};
my $rmts = {};
my $define = undef;

my $server = [];
my @servers;
my $script = 0;

my $libr="3592lib";

$result = GetOptions
     "verbose"   => \$verbose,
     "server=s"  => $server,
     "define!"   => \$define,
     "script!"    => \$script,

if ($#{$server} > -1 ) {@servers = @{$server} ;} else {@servers = ( "CTRL" ) }

my $out = {};


while (<$in>)
#    print;
    my ($tsm,$sn,$lib) = split(/,/);
    $drives->{$sn} = {
                      'TSM' =>  $tsm,
                      'LIB' =>  $lib,

$in->close;  $in->open("/usr/sbin/lsdev -Cc tape|");
while (<$in>)
#    print;
    my ($rmt,$stat,$loc,@crap) = split(/\s+/);
    my @junk = split(/-/,$loc);

    $rmts->{$rmt} = { "pri" => pop(@junk) };

# print Dumper($rmts);

foreach $drive (keys %$drives)
    my @lines = `/usr/local/bin/grep rmt ./serial-$drive-*`;
    my $pri = "";
    foreach $line (@lines)
        my ($crap,$dev,@crap) = split(/\s+/,$line);
        my $p = $rmts->{$dev}->{"pri"};

        if ($p eq "PRI")
           if ($pri ne "") { die "Multiple primay devices for '$drive' ??" }
           $pri = $dev;

    if  ($pri eq "") { die "No primary device for '$drive' ??" }

#    print "$drive: $pri \n";
    $drives->{$drive}->{pri} = $pri;


# print Dumper($drives);

if (0)

    foreach $drive ( keys %$drives)

        print sprintf("select distinct source_name as %s  from paths where 
destination_name = '%s' and device!='/dev/%s'\n",

    exit 1;

if ($script)
    # setting up a script.
    my $host = `/usr/bin/hostname`;

    print " /* Tape paths from $host  */\n";

    foreach $drive ( keys %$drives )
        my $op = ( $define?"define":"update");
        print sprintf("%s path \$1  %s srct=server destt=drive libr=%s 
device=/dev/%s \n",


# Doing an interactive run...
foreach $server (@servers)
    foreach $drive ( keys %$drives )
        my $op = ( $define?"define":"update");
        print sprintf("%s path %s %s srct=server destt=drive libr=%s 
device=/dev/%s \n",


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