Run them as multiple TSM instances in a single AIX image. Works fine
under TSM 5.5, but it's even easier in TSM 6 than in previous versions,
and it's lower overhead, easier management, etc. as long as you get your
naming conventions right to keep them separate. Set it up with a Library
Manager and then you won't be wasting HBAs or tapes in the scratch pool.
The only downside is all the TSM instances in a single AIX instance have
to be at the exact same TSM release level.

So a strategy that might serve your client well into the future could be
to set up two LPARs, one with TSM 5.5, and the other with TSM 6.X. This
only wastes one set of HBAs etc. A Library Manager must be at the same
or higher release level than all of its Library Clients. You could set
up the Library Manager as the first TSM 6 instance in the TSM 6 LPAR,
which could then allow for an orderly future migration of all instances
to TSM 6. We currently have a 6.2 Library Manager serving a mix of 6.2
and 5.5 Library Clients. This is how we are migrating to TSM 6 - Library
Manager first.

xinetd can solve your port 1500 collisions. All you need is separate
NICs. The users continue to specify port 1500, but xinetd can change
that to 1501, 1502, 9997... within AIX so that each goes to the intended
TSM server image. We do this on one AIX system that hosts two TSM 5.5
instances, and on another that hosts two TSM 6.2 instances. Just beware
of how much CPU xinetd can consume with the heavy net traffic of TSM
backups, however CPU cycles may not be an issue on that new P7 machine.

Roger Deschner      University of Illinois at Chicago
======I have not lost my mind -- it is backed up on tape somewhere.=====

On Tue, 24 Jan 2012, Steve Harris wrote:

>Hi All
>I'm involved in a consolidation exercise of a TSM environment that has
>"just growed" over the last 15 years, and features multiple TSM 5.5
>servers running on AIX on various P4 and P5 hardware.  These are to be
>moved, with as few changes as possible, to new P7 hardware, at a new
>data centre.  I'm also under the pump to get this done because of the
>contract ending with the old data centre.
>Migration to TSM 6 would take too long and is outside my brief. Because
>of the unplanned server sprawl, most of the servers use port 1500, and I
>don't have time to visit all the clients to update them to use a
>different port. Also, given that the new hardware is so much better than
>the old, it seems a waste to have two disk and two tape HBA ports
>dedicated to each server in its own LPAR. So, I've hit on the idea of a
>reasonably large TSM LPAR with the instances running in WPARS inside it.
>Is anyone running TSM 5 in WPARS?  I'm interested in any problems you
>might have had, war stories, gotchas, and also any "yep works fine for
>me" reports.
>Many Thanks
>Steven Harris
>TSM Admin, Canberra Australia.

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