At 01:48 PM 2/12/2012, Prather, Wanda wrote:
>NAS devices are closed operating systems, so you can't install a TSM client on 

Depends on what you define as a "NAS device".  I believe (not positive) that 
SoNAS has an integrated TSM client in it.  Some windows-based fileservers can 
use an on-board windows TSM client (and thus take advantage of JBB).

We don't have a lot of first-hand experience with NAS here, other than a netapp 
gateway (IBM N6210), but I've been reviewing a bunch of the technologies, with 
emphasis on how to protect them.  I see the following major categorizations of 
how to protect (large) file servers effectively.  Please feel free to comment 
on this, as I'm looking to refine my view.

I should say that our "protection goal" would be to have a copy of data at our 
medical college campus, which is ~200+ miles away and accessible via a 10Gb WAN.

1. Backup using NDMP:  breaks down as data size increases, because of need for 
periodic full backups and lack of incremental forever.  However, probably fast 
recovery times from tape.  Most NAS products support some version of NDMP.

2. Incremental file-level backup based on Journal Scanning, saving a walk of 
the filesystem.  Examples include Windows-based fileservers, and (I think) 

3. Incremental backup based on Snapshot differencing, again saving a walk of 
the filesystem.  This would be NetApp, but not with MultiStore vFilers - a 
problem for us.

4. Asynchronous replication to a second NAS.  Fast RTO, but also expensive.

Options 1-3 use TSM.
Options 2&3 run faster and are more scalable than option 1, but likely have 
longer RTO.
Option 4 is probably most expensive.


Paul Zarnowski                            Ph: 607-255-4757
Manager, Storage Services                 Fx: 607-255-8521
719 Rhodes Hall, Ithaca, NY 14853-3801    Em:

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