Am 15.02.2012 11:14, schrieb Köhler, Marcus:
I agree with daniel.
Also think about the possibilty off "q occ NODENAME" which gives you
additionaly the possibility to see in which stgpools data are stored.
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU] Im Auftrag von
Daniel Sparrman
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 15. Februar 2012 11:00
Betreff: Re: [ADSM-L] Best way to check size of TSM Client ?
If you're wondering how much data is actually stored on your client, for
fileservers, you could just do a query filespace for all or a specific node. It
will show you the size of the nodes filespaces, and how much space that is
utilized for each filesystem.
As for using export node, the filedata=backup will show you the size for all
versions stored in TSM, not only the active data (active data as in the latest
of each file, or what is actually on your server).
So only the latest version of files using export, use filedata=allactive
instead of filedata=backup. This will show you what TSM thinks should be
restored in case of a server failure.
One thing though, if the filespace query is enough for you, I'd use that
instead of export node since export node consumes more resources on your TSM
server, and takes longer time to complete (especially for a lot of nodes).
export node will not give you any information regarding NAS filers (if you used
NDMP to back them up).
Best Regards
Daniel Sparrman
Daniel Sparrman
Exist i Stockholm AB
Växel: 08-754 98 00
Fax: 08-754 97 30
Posthusgatan 1 761 30 NORRTÄLJE
-----"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager"<ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU> skrev: -----
Från: Horst Scherzer
Sänt av: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager"
Datum: 02/15/2012 10:47
Ärende: Re: [ADSM-L] Best way to check size of TSM Client ?
Am 15.02.2012 10:38, schrieb Minns, Farren - Chichester:
Hi All,
What is the best way to get a list of all client nodes and how much disk space
would be required for a rebuild?
I'm not looking for the total amount of data in backup, but how much data each
client actually has on it (roughly) currently?
John Wiley& Sons Limited is a private limited company registered in England
with registered number 641132.
Registered office address: The Atrium, Southern Gate, Chichester, West Sussex,
United Kingdom. PO19 8SQ.
export node xx.yy.zz filed=backup preview=yes
for each node should do the job
Hi all,
we have servergroups to ask per sql all server with a script about the
ANR1687I Output for command 'SELECT ' issued against server1
----------- ---------------------------------
EST 0.0272753906250000000
HRZ 3.2468945312500000000
_VW 145.0992675781250000000
ANR1688I Output for command 'SELECT ' issued against server 2 comp
ANR1687I Output for command 'SELECT ' issued against server TSM_SRV3 fo
----------- ---------------------------------
B11 173.8357714843750000000
B15 5456.5874707031250000000
abc 250.9245214843750000000
def 15.5521289062500000000
ijk 4198.1612011718750000000
bla 38.6040136718750000000
xyz 951.6821582031250000000
(al)select -
distinct right(node_name,3) groups, -
sum(LOGICAL_MB/1024) as GB_occ -
from occupancy -
where -
and TYPE ='Bkup' -
group by node_name -
order by 1
Maybe nice to know
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Dipl. Inform. Birgit Sievers
ITMC - Zentrale Server (S2)