Hi Robert

I usually handle this by having a schedule that runs every hour, and two
subsidiary admin schedules. One sets  the hourly schedule to
expiration=N to start it running. the second sets the hourly schedule
expiration to a date in the past to stop it from running.



Steven Harris, TSM Admin
Canberra Australia

On 13/05/2012 3:29 PM, Robert Ouzen wrote:
Hi to all,
Im trying to create a schedule in TSM that will run in a specific window,
e.g: Im running backup of SSQL Log every hour, but when the Differential/Full 
Backup is running, the Log files are Missed,

My question is can I run schedule from 08:00 untill 21:00 ?
Far as I tested, I cant unless I will create 13 schedules, because the duration 
cant be more than the period,

If I could define a schedule the will run from 08:00 period 13 hours every hour 
it will be great.


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