Anyone trying to use Admin Center

I initially saw the problem in 6.3.0, but still has issues in my shop.

I've installed it on Windows 2008 R2.

Tried IE 8 and Firefox 3.6.24 as the browser.

In both browsers the Minimize button on a window appears to simply blank out 
the content of that given window, not minimize it.

Also having trouble using Search Activity Log when I go from ServerA to 
ServerB.  The search on ServerA works fine, but clicking OK to close that sever 
and then selecting another server (ServerA or any other) and the search returns 
a portlet error.

Work around is to close the Manage Servers tab, then reopen to select the 
server to be searched.

Anyone have a working install?

I've got a PMR open on the search issue.

Harold Vandeventer
Systems Programmer
State of Kansas - Department of Administration - Office of Information 
Technology Services
(785) 296-0631

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