Hi, Geoff. Congrats. Let's see if we can get you hitting the ground running.

Because I'm often on customer computers without access to the Internet from my own laptop, I Google:
     tivoli storage manager 6.3 information center
I take the first option, and when the infocenter comes up, I click "Printable PDF documentation" and download the pdfs to the customer's workstation. I use Firefox with DownloadThemAll to make it a pretty fast and easy process.

For the support site, I google:  tivoli storage manager support portal

Maintenance and Patches are at: ftp://index.storsys.ibm.com > Tivoli Storage Management

Library manager/client is pretty easy.  Here's the recipe.
1) Configure server-to-server communications
2)  Define library on library manager
    a) define library lib1 libtype=scsi shared=yes
    b) define path server1 lib1 as usual
    c) define drive/path for all drives as usual
    e) label/checkin libvol
3) Look at the serial numbers or wwpns of the drives (q drive f=d)
4) Configure each library client (e.g. server2)
    a) define library lib1 libtype=shared primarylibmanager=server1
    b) figure out which drives go with which rmts based on #3
c) Log into server1, issue a bunch of "define path" statements for server2
    d)  Test

Some notes:
On libmgr (server1), q libvol f=d, observe "owner" information
update libvol A12345L5 owner=server2  (might be necessary some day)
With libraries with many drives (VTLs) or clients, #3, #4b, and #4c are best scripted.

Once upon a time, running audit library from a library client would wipe out all the owner information for all the libvols owned by other library clients. I don't know if that's been fixed. Since then, I've just created scripts to simply "update libvol" the owner information for all the appropriate libvols if it was ever necessary.

Good luck!

On 6/6/2012 7:13 AM, Geoff Gill wrote:
While I've interviewed for numerous positions the past 2 years, up until now I had been passed over for someone with "more recent experience". So giving up a 5 day a week zamboni job with little pay and 5am start times was actually hard to do when I got the call, believe it or not. It was also difficult leaving because the CHL team just added 4 retired NHL players as owners/coaches/team advisers, and a new coach, which means this team is going to be even more competitive in the future. Craig Ludwig, Richard Matvichuk (Assistant coach), Ed Belfour and Mike Modano, Along with current owner Steve Duchesne, will bring real talent to the team, which is the very reason I would prefer to be at the rink every day instead of sitting at home. Anyway, I have just been given a 6 month engagement to help with TSM at a local site here in Dallas. I get to work from home but currently do not have a laptop or access to the environment. While waiting I've been asked to brush up on TSM DB restores, which I have done on 5.5, and TSM Library Manager/Lib Client configuration, which I am not familiar with, so I'm looking for the current IBM document storage site, while looking for responses I'll certainly look myself but wanted to try to make contact with those of you familiar with the Library Manager. I don't have information as to the version(s) of TSM I'll be dealing with but as I recall the site, as it used to be configured, allowed you to select quite easily. And while I've kept most of my notes from the past I don't have links to those places I used to get information. Again, since I have never worked with the TSM Library Manager/Lib Client config it's going to be from scratch learning.
Currently I only receive a single ADSM-L daily email, so I will probably change 
that to get a more real time response update to questions I might post.

Please feel free to send me info or questions directly, email below, off topic 
hockey questions are always welcome. I know Richard is quite close to some 
great hockey, he most certainly knows his TSM though, which is what this list 
is for obviously.

Thank You for any info you can send my way
Geoff Gill

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