
Have you tried tracing the activity of the process with Sysinternals'
Process Monitor? It might help in pinpointing at what stage exactly the
client exits. Maybe it is trying to read a registry key and crashes on that
or something. I've found Process Monitor very helpful in a number of
different cases in the past.



On Wed, Aug 8, 2012 at 4:35 AM, Prather, Wanda <wanda.prat...@icfi.com>wrote:

> Well, I'm stumped.
> My customer has a 2-node Exchange 2003 active/passive cluster on Win2K3 R2
> SP2.
> TDP for Exchange is, Legacy backups.
> Node 1 is usually the active node, and TSM works fine.
> The TDPEX GUI on Node 1 works as expected.  The client scheduler service
> for Exchange is installed on node 1, is defined as a cluster resource, and
> works fine.
> Node 2 is usually the passive node, and TSM doesn't work at all.
> The dsm.opt file, the information store, & the logs are on a cluster
> drive, I:.
> When we fail Exchange over from Node 1 to Node 2, the I: drive becomes
> available to Node 2, as it should, so the exchange dsm.opt file is used on
> When we then start the TDP for Exchange GUI on Node 2, it creates a
> session with the TSM server and authenticates OK (verified by checking the
> server actlog).  When you click restore, you can see the available backups
> to restore as you would expect.
> But when you click backup, you get the usual message "updating mailbox
> history", then the GUI dies without a whimper.  No message, the GUI just
> vanishes.
> If you invoke a backup via the command line from the \TDPEXCh directory::
> tdpexcc backup * \tsmoptfile=dsm.opt   \excserver=exch-foo \logfile=foo.log
> EXACTLY the same thing happens.  You see the session established with the
> server, no password errors.  You see the "updating mailbox history"
> message.  Then the cmd line exits.  The exchange log foo.log shows the
> "updating mailbox history" message, nothing else.  No messages in
> dsierror.log, nothing in the Windows event log. The server actlog shows
> only ANR0480W, indicating the session was terminated by the client end.
>  It's a mystery how it dies.
> The box has been rebooted, and we've tried uninstalling and reinstalling
> the TDP.
> I'm not having any luck Googling for an error message I don't see -
> anybody seen behavior before that makes the TDPEXch session vanish without
> a tra - um, error?  Suggestions for search words?
> What am I missing here?
> Thanks for any ideas!
> Wanda

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