On 08/08/2012 09:54 AM, Paul Zarnowski wrote:

No, I'm sure you could put "-snapshotroot=xxx" in the options
argument to the client scheduler.  But your response made me realize
that I left out one relevant point: We are backing up several NAS
volumes via the scheduler, not just one.  We use the pre- and post-
scheduler exits to mount and unmount those volumes.

So, we would need to specify a snapshotroot 'target' for each volume
that we want to backup.  It seems this is what 'include.fs' was
designed for, to specify fs-specific options.

And there's where your thinking diverges from the TSM client coders'
thinking.  It's not an option for the _filesystem_; it's an option for
the _backup run_.

You're in the position that the snapshot you want to use has a stable
name.  There are folks who have snapshots named related to the date of
consistency-point.  If your snapshots naturally came out as


you wouldn't naturally think of the snapshot location as a statically
configured fact.

If you're already preschedcmding, you might use that step to calculate
the command lines to run the per-filespace "dsmc incr" lines, drop
them in a temporary script, and then run that as a COMMAND schedule
instead of an INCREMENTAL sched.

- Allen S. Rout

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