I recently got a first cut at some scripts that gives us the DD dedup
stats per TSM node.  It's not pretty, but it does seem to work.  But, it
requires having the file pool be collocated.  That way each node uses
separate file volumes.

The logic goes like this:

- file pool on the DD MUST be collocated - each node has it's own vols
- for each node
  - get list of vols via "q nodedata <node>"
  - for each volume
    - on DD run "filesys show compression <vol_fiile_name>"
    - sum cmd output to for Origional Bytes, Global Comp Bytes, Local COmp
  - after all vols for node have been processed,
      compute overall comp ratio by
      (sum of Origional Bytes / sum Local Comp bytes)

So basically it's just get a list of vols per node and sum the results of
the "filesys show comp" commands.  The fun is translating the TSM vol name
into the DD internal path for the filesys cmd.

Here are a few lines from my report with (names changed to protect the

  Origional Bytes = what comes into the DD
  Global Comp Bytes = size after dedup
  Local COmp Bytes = size after zip - this is what gets written to disk

tsm   node    #vols     SumOrigBytes     SumGlobalCompBytes
SumLocalCompBytes Ratio
----  -----   -------   ---------------- ------------------
----------------- -----
tsm7  node1   Vols= 1   OBmb= 24954.14   GCBmb= 3736.81     LCBmb= 1576.03
   CR= 15.83
tsm7  mode2   Vols= 1   OBmb= 20747.89   GCBmb= 2632.50     LCBmb= 1116.19
   CR= 18.58
tsm7  node3   Vols= 1   OBmb= 28528.93   GCBmb= 5200.65     LCBmb= 2609.92
   CR= 10.93
tsm1  node4   Vols= 9   OBmb= 250332.31  GCBmb= 7868.56     LCBmb= 4221.41
   CR= 59.30
tsm1  node5   Vols= 17  OBmb= 495973.34  GCBmb= 43150.37    LCBmb=
18792.24   CR= 26.39
tsm1  node6   Vols= 29  OBmb= 853369.75  GCBmb= 126286.69   LCBmb=
36064.45   CR= 23.66
tsm6  node7   Vols= 18  OBmb= 502341.18  GCBmb= 16647.87    LCBmb= 8263.54
   CR= 60.79
tsm2  node8   Vols= 2   OBmb= 43620.57   GCBmb= 11829.33    LCBmb= 2366.72
   CR= 18.43
tsm1  node9   Vols= 3   OBmb= 65267.99   GCBmb= 11109.95    LCBmb= 3286.02
   CR= 19.86
(and on and on)

The "filesys show comp" cmd gives the stats as when the file was WRITTEN
to the DD.  I suggest reading up on it and the quirks of what/how it
reports the comp info.

Anyway, that's what I did.


From:   Rick Adamson <rickadam...@winn-dixie.com>
Date:   09/20/2012 10:08 AM
Subject:        Actual TSM client storage utilization using Data Domain
Sent by:        "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU>

I have a situation where I suspect one, or more, of my TSM clients is
rapidly consuming large amount of storage space and am at odds of how to
accurately determine the culprit.

The TSM server is configured with a data domain dd880 as primary storage
of the device type "file" so obviously when I query the occupancy table in
TSM it provides raw numbers that do not reflect the de-dup and compression
of the DD device. Querying compression on the DD only provides numbers per
storage area, or context.

Has anyone been found a way to determine the actual amount of storage that
a particular client is using within data domain?

All comments welcome.....

TSM Server 5.5 on Windows and Data Domain ddos 5.1.


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