I've been using Firefox 3.6.24 and an old 5.5.x Mgmt Console on WinXP for ages. 
 Worked reasonably well to access 6.x Administration Center and watch the 
Activity Log scroll by in the Mgmt Console Monitor.

But, I got blessed with Win 7 yesterday and now fighting a couple of issues.

Good news: With FF 3.6.24 on Win7, I can access Admin Center and use the 
various windows to manage servers, storage devices, policy, search Activity 
Log,, reporting, etc.  All those tasks seem to be working.

Two bits of bad news:

1: Firefox, Manage Server, Action: Use Command Line.  A new tab opens, but no 
response comes back to any command issued.  The scrolling bar appears with a 
STOP button; which doesn't work.  The TSM Server Activity Log does not record 
the command being issued. FF appears to be blocking the outbound traffic.

2: In the 5.5.x TSM Mgmt Console, Monitor "Start" indicates the monitor 
started, but never displays activity log information.

IE 8 is a pain, but does allow command line work.

I hope to find a solution for the FF command window.  But definitely need to 
find the fix for the Mgmt Console Monitor.

Anyone have suggestions?

Harold Vandeventer
Systems Programmer
State of Kansas - Office of Information Technology Services
STE 751-S
910 SW Jackson
(785) 296-0631

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