Thank you Andy,

        This redbook is definitely a light reading compared to the rest of the 
TSM rebooks. :) Thank you for all the fine tuning information being placed in 
once place.

        I wanted to ask is anyone on the list using Dedup technology with an 8 
LUN database backend as recommended in the article. Is there any readily 
available data to show the performance enhancements?

        I'm currently setup with 4 folders under one LUN, with multiple paths 
to the SAN. I have yet to see any negative performance or IO bottlenecks.


Assuming the benefits are huge, a database backup and restore with a dir input 
file is the only clean way to split it up over multiple luns instead of folders.

Thanks for any feedback,


Nick Marouf | Systems Administrator Consultant
PA Department of Transportation | Bureau of Infrastructure and Operations
1400A North Cameron St | Harrisburg PA 17103
Phone:  717.346.5547 | Fax:  717.346.5530

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU] On Behalf Of Andrew 
Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2013 3:54 PM
Subject: [ADSM-L] New guide for optimizing Tivoli Storage Manager performance

Hello TSM community,

I would like to draw your attention to a newly published guide for optimizing 
Tivoli Storage Manager performance. This guide is oriented toward TSM version 
6.3 and 6.4, and supersedes the previous performance tuning guides. The guide 
features a whole new approach to:

* Configuration best practices for the server database, storage pools, clients, 
and more

* Guidance for identifying performance bottlenecks in the environment

* Flowcharts and graphics that illustrate key processes and practices

This blog post from one of our senior Information Development leads provides a 
nice introduction and link to the new guide:!/wiki/Tivoli%20Storage%20Manager/page/Optimizing%20performance%20for%20servers%20and%20clients

We hope you find this useful.

- Andy


Andrew Raibeck | Tivoli Storage Manager Level 3 Technical Lead |

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