I'm sorry to post a long winded confusing post.  I'm tempted
to open a case with IBM, but I know I'll just get someone who
will just quote the manual and not answer my questions.

 . . . anyway . . .

Here is my understanding and questions about client
ports at this time (completely subject to change and probably wrong!).

1)  Using old way - dsmcad for web client and dsmc sched for scheduler

=> dsmcad
dsmcad controls the web client, which is dsmagent.
you never start dsmagent by itself - it's always started through dsmcad
httpport controls which port dsmcad listens on
httpport defaults to 1581
In use:
  dsmcad listens on 1581
  you browse to http://<client>:1581
  dsmcad spawns dsmagent which talks to your browser
  you use the web client over httpport
You can change httpport to something else.

=> dsmc sched  (promtped mode)
runs as a separate process
uses tsmclientport for port to listen on for being contacted by the TSM
tcpclientport defaults to 1501
First time you start the scheduler it does this:
  contacts the TSm server and tells it the port it is listening on
  tsm server then prompts the client at that port
You can change tcpclientport to any port you want.

2)  Using "managedservices scheduler webclient"

point:  Nothing says that httpport and tcpclientport DON"T work with
        Nothing says that webports is specific to managedservices.
        Nothing relates how httpport/tcpclientport interacts with

=> dsmcad
dsmcad now handles both the scheduler and web client
You never start dsmagent by yourself
You can start "dsmc sched" manually, but you are letting dsmcad handle it
for you.
web client
  handles the web client just like before.
  listens for browsers on httpport with dflt 1581
  Spawns dsmagent
  you use the web client over httpport
  You can change the port by changing httpport
  When cad first starts it (or the scheduler it starts)
    contacts the tsm server and reports the port it listens on.
  Listening port is tcpclientport which defaults to 1581.
  TSM Server prompts to client tcpclientport where dsmcad is listening
    and starts the scheduler.

3) QUESTIONS about webports

- I thought this option was limited to when running managedservuces, but I
can't find
    anything in the BA client manual or IBM's web site that states this. I
        know why I thought this.
- The BA client manual doesn't say how this option effects running
    separate scheduler/dsmcad or running managedservers for both.
- It explains nothing on how the webports ports you enter relate to
httpport and tcpclientport.
    webports <cadport> <agentport>
          <cadport> = cad daemon port, dflt="0" which is a random port
          <agentport> = web client agent service port, dflt="0" which is a
random port
        Does tcpclientport = <cadport>?
        Does httpport      = <agentport>?
        What is the "web client agent service"?
          Is this just a thread in dsmcad to spawn dsmagent?
          Is this dsmagent itself?
        If you specify both webports and tcpclientport/httpport, what does
it do?
        How do they interact?
        It seems httpport can't = <agentport>, because if it can be a
random number
          then how do you know what port to set your browser to?
- The docs simply do not explain what the webports port parms are for.
  If I have httpport=1581 and tcpclientport=1501, then what/why would
  webports even be needed?  Why would it use two random ports for?

I'm beginning to think webports are actually some internal communication
ports used between dsmcad and the scheduler, dsmagent, threads, something

If anyone truly understand the webports option, I'd love to here about

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