On Jul 26, 2013, at 5:21 AM, Steven Langdale <steven.langd...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello Stefan
> Have you got cases of this?  I ask because I have been specifically told by
> our rep that any dedupe saving for capacity licensing is TSM dedupe only,
> regarless of the backend storage.

During our last TSM license renewal negotiations, we were also undergoing a 
refresh of our storage for TSM. We heard the same thing Stefan heard: use-based 
pricing could be reduced by using TSM deduplication or using deduplication in 
ProtecTier, but there would be no reduction for deduplication effects in 
non-IBM hardware, such as the DataDomains we use. 

On the other hand, IBM often reminds us that terms and conditions may vary from 
region to region and probably from customer to customer, so it's entirely 
possible that all of us are telling the truth as it applies to us and that the 
only answer that works for everyone is, "See the company you license TSM from 
or through." However, that conversation may go better for you if you know what 
others live with. 


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