If I run the following script with the command

Run listback node_name 20

I receive a list of 128 objects.

However, a check of the dsmsched.log file shows the following:

07/31/2013 07:53:26 Total number of objects inspected:      634,241
07/31/2013 07:53:26 Total number of objects assigned:        61,461
07/31/2013 07:53:26 Total number of objects backed up:       13,732

What is up with this?
I am trying to get a report of all files backed up for this run.

Script follows:

/* parms:  node_name hours from today */
/* sample command: */
/* run listbackfiles libdi 24 */
/* */
/* lists files backed up for node libdi 1 day before today */
/* */

set sqldisp wide
select filespace_name, concat(hl_name, ll_name) as name, -
backup_date -
from backups where -
date(backup_date)> date(current_timestamp - $2 hours) -
and node_name = upper('$1') -
order by backup_date

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