Got confirmation this morning. Essentially they will only offer "Best
Efforts" with any NFS that is not NFSv4 on AIX. The following are quotes
from the ticket.

"As my colleague Dave pointed out we will give our best effort to
resolve any problems you may have with NFS, but since it is not
supported in most environments except AIX, we can not guarentee that we
will be able to resolve all issues related to NFS."

"My understanding is that snapdiff will work in the environments
specified in the restriction but it is not fully supported, in other
words only on a best effort basis."


On 09/10/13 01:53, Paul Zarnowski wrote:
You may be confusing NFSv3 with v4.  I can believe that v4 support is limited, 
but v3 is supported on aix, Solaris, Linux, et al.  Snapdiff incrementals are 
only supported to a NetApp from AIX and Linux for NFS (v3).

(excuse my brevity & typos - sent from my phone)

On Oct 8, 2013, at 1:11 AM, "Grant Street" <> wrote:

I'm confirming this now ... But it doesn't look good. I'm not talking
will it or won't it work I'm more concerned about technical support. I
had an issue with restoring data to an NFS file system on a mac and was
told that it wasn't supported. That's when I started getting concerned.

The following does not contain NFS except AIX. eg. I would expect it to
list NFS against linux with ACL Support as "NO"


On 08/10/13 14:38, Alex Paschal wrote:
Hello, Grant.  I'm certain NFS filesystems are supported on clients
other than AIX.  In fact, the URL below links to the UNIX BAClient
manual, which contains the sentence:
"Note: On Solaris and HP-UX, the nfstimeoutoption can fail if the NFS
mount is hard."

Perhaps your source confused NFS support with NFS Version 4 ACL support?

On 10/7/2013 4:41 PM, Grant Street wrote:
Hello All

Just a heads up to something I found out last week. I have been informed
that backing up an NFS server from a non AIX client is NOT supported.

This could also include using the snapdiff functionality on Netapps.
This is being confirmed now.

This may be old news to you, in which case , sorry, but this is a big
concern for us. I have created an RFE



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