Hello, Can someone maybe provide a bit more clarification on this technote?
http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21653710&myns=swgtiv&mynp=OCSSGSG7&mync=E We generally set the DRM with SET DRMDBBACKUPEXPIREDAYS and then after tapes moved to vault for the day, run the following commands delete volhist type=ALL todate=TODAY-180 delete volhist type=DBB todate=TODAY-3 Should I be concerned? Thank You, -Nick Nick Marouf | Systems Administrator Consultant PA Department of Transportation | Bureau of Infrastructure and Operations 1400A North Cameron St | Harrisburg PA 17103 Phone: 717.346.5547 | Fax: 717.346.5530 www.dot.state.pa.us<http://www.dot.state.pa.us/>