Before I go calling in some offsite volumes for audit, maybe someone can clue 
me in as to what's happening here, or where to find more information on how to 
make it make sense.

First, the requisite: This is TSM server on AIX 5.something, maybe 5.3. 
 (Yes, yes, EOS coming soon.  But I don't have the time, or inclination, to 
update 30 or so instances when new hardware should be arriving some time next 

I have a half a dozen to a dozen offsite volumes that say they can't be 
reclaimed because they have files that can't be moved.  There may be one or two 
where the source volumes are suspect, I'm still looking into that.  But there 
is certainly more than one that is, as best I can tell, empty.  For example:

From the activity log, when attempting to reclaim:
12/22/13   15:21:46  ANR1163W Offsite volume 701339 still contains files which 
could not be moved. (PROCESS: 5426)

tsm: TSM-ELAENIA>q vol 701339

Volume Name               Storage      Device      Estimated    Pct   Volume 
                          Pool Name    Class Name   Capacity   Util   Status 
------------------------  -----------  ----------  ---------  -----  --------
701339                    EOFFSITEVA-  DEV3592E      310.6 G    0.0    Full  

tsm: TSM-ELAENIA>q content 701339
ANR2034E QUERY CONTENT: No match found using this criteria.
ANS8001I Return code 11.

Would it be safe for me to just delete the volume?  Would it be recalled and 
checked in as scratch when the next round of DRM scripts run?  (I haven't 
looked at the DRM scripts in this environment much yet.)

Cameron Hanover

"Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom.  It is the 
argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves."
--William Pitt, House of Commons, 11/18/1783

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