
In our company we have a TSM 6.2 Server with a TS3310+Extension (LTO-4) Library 
for primary pools and an Overland Library for copy pools (LTO-2). Now the 
Overland is nearing retirement and we need a replacement.
We have 46 Nodes with a total of ~16TB in need of a copy pool (with more nodes 
in tsm, but they are not that important). Of that 16TB, 3-4 TB are MSSQL and 
Oracle Databases, the rest is Windows and Linux Operating Systems.
The way I see it, there are two options.
1: We get another TS3310 base model with LTO-5 drives (or any other Tape 
Library). We would get about 38TB in 24 Tapes, and we probably have to turn off 
collococation. If necessary we could get an Expansion for the Library.
2: We get a Virtual Tape Library, say a TS7620 with 24TB Diskspace (12x2TB 
Disks), which would cost as much as the TS3310 (more or less). I could make a 
lot of small volumes (say 50-100GB) which would probably increase restore speed 
in comparison to a real Tape Library. On the other side, the VTL has less raw 
space. But with data-deduplication we probably could get much more out of it. 
And that's my problem:
I did some numbers after reading some guides on the web, and results vary from 
data-reduction of 10-50%, but we really have absolutely no experience with 
data-deduplication. Can anybody please give me some advice on what would be the 
best option? What are your experiances with VTL and data-deduplication? Would 
even a smaller VTL be sufficient?
Any help would be really appreciated.

Kind Regards,

Sitz: Unterpremst?tten bei Graz
Firmenbuchgericht: Landesgericht f?r ZRS Graz
Firmenbuchnummer: FN 44354b

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