When it comes to backups, simplicity is good. I try not to design anything
that I cannot document succinctly.

On Fri, Jan 31, 2014 at 04:35:12PM -0500, Keith Arbogast wrote:
> Hi Wanda,
> It's an interesting question, and I hope you get many interesting answers. We 
> only have one policyset per domain, partly from a lack of understandng of 
> what's possible, and the other part from a lack of imagination. We try not to 
> create a smorgasbord of TSM backup types and cycles.
> Best wishes,
> Keith Arbogast
> Indiana University

-- Skylar Thompson (skyl...@u.washington.edu)
-- Genome Sciences Department, System Administrator
-- Foege Building S046, (206)-685-7354
-- University of Washington School of Medicine

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