You can always lookup DB2 SQL errors by launching the DB2 Command line
interface as follows

db2 => ? sql-2428

SQL2428N  The BACKUP did not complete because one or more of the
      requested log files could not be retrieved.


A backup that includes logs fails if any of the logs required for the
successful rollforward recovery of the image cannot be retrieved and
copied into the backup image.

User response:

Refer to the administration notification log for additional information
about the cause of the failed log retrieval attempt.

You must ensure that the archive log path does not contain log files
that do not belong to the current database. If you used the log path
previously for a database with the same name and did not remove those
log files, conflicts might occur during log file retrieval. You must
remove those log files from the archive log path or set the archive log
path to a new destination before continuing.

Correct the error and resubmit the command.

   Related information:
   Archive logging

db2 =>

Sorry I can't provide more help with seeing more log information.

On Tue, Feb 4, 2014 at 11:27 AM, Jeanne Bruno <jbr...@cenhud.com> wrote:

> Hello.  We are running version 6.3.
> Has anyone encountered this SQL error:
> 02/04/2014 07:29:33      ANR1893E Process 702 for Database Backup
> completed with a  completion state of FAILURE.
>                                                   (SESSION: 106136,
> PROCESS:  702)
> 02/04/2014 07:29:33      ANR2753I (TSMEDAY_RETRY):ANR2993E The database
> backup terminated (SESSION: 106136)
> 02/04/2014 07:29:33      ANR2753I (TSMEDAY_RETRY):with a log problem. DB2
> sqlcode: -2428. (SESSION: 106136)
> I can't find what the -2428 means.
> I looked up the ANR2993E, but I'm not seeing any permissions denied in the
> db2diag.log file on our server.
> Also, is there a way on the TSM console to query what the sqlcode means??
> Thanks.
> ____________________
> Jeannie Bruno
> Senior Systems Analyst
> jbr...@cenhud.com<mailto:jbr...@cenhud.com>
> Central Hudson Gas & Electric
> (845) 486-5780

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