Thanks for the suggestions, Richard. Been there - done that numerous times.
 From this morning:

8:28:05 AM   PROCESSOR : q sess
  Sess Comm.  Sess     Wait   Bytes   Bytes Sess    Platform Client Name

Number Method State    Time    Sent   Recvd Type
------ ------ ------ ------ ------- ------- ------- --------
 1,067 Tcp/Ip Run      0 S    7.4 K     748 Node    Linux    GODEL.VCU.EDU

 9,028 Tcp/Ip Run      0 S      161     235 Admin   WinNT    ZFORRAY

8:28:12 AM   PROCESSOR : q restore
  Sess Restore     Elapsed Node Name                 Filespace         FSID
Number State       Minutes                           Name
------ ----------- ------- ------------------------- ----------- ----------
 1,067 Active        9,922 GODEL.VCU.EDU             /data7              12

8:28:22 AM   PROCESSOR : cancel restore 1067
ANR0490I Canceling session 1067 for node GODEL.VCU.EDU (Linux x86-64) .

8:28:28 AM   PROCESSOR : cancel sess 1067
ANR0490I Canceling session 1067 for node GODEL.VCU.EDU (Linux x86-64) .

8:28:38 AM   PROCESSOR : q sess 1067 f=d
              Sess Number: 1,067
             Comm. Method: Tcp/Ip
               Sess State: Run
                Wait Time: 0 S
               Bytes Sent: 7.4 K
              Bytes Recvd: 748
                Sess Type: Node
                 Platform: Linux x86-64
              Client Name: GODEL.VCU.EDU
      Media Access Status:
                User Name:
Date/Time First Data Sent:
   Proxy By Storage Agent:
                  Actions: NoQueryRestore

EXPIRE INVENTORY runs daily.  From yesterday:

04/15/2014 12:00:21  ANR0984I Process 39 for EXPIRE INVENTORY started in
                      BACKGROUND at 12:00:21 PM. (SESSION: 7956, PROCESS:
04/15/2014 12:00:21  ANR2756I Scheduled command EXPIRE_INVENTORY started

                      successfully. (SESSION: 7956, PROCESS: 39)

04/15/2014 12:58:12  ANE4970I (Session: 7833, Node: GODEL.VCU.EDU)  Total

                      number of objects expired:    0  (SESSION: 7833)

04/15/2014 13:09:20  ANR0987I Process 39 for EXPIRE INVENTORY running in
                      BACKGROUND processed 7,290 items with a completion
                      of SUCCESS at 01:09:20 PM. (SESSION: 7956, PROCESS:

I am going to schedule the patches (currently at .200) for this
server so that should clear it.

On Tue, Apr 15, 2014 at 6:12 PM, Richard Sims <> wrote:

> You may not have tried 'cancel session 1067' to see if that does any good.
> TSM Expiration processing is supposed to clear defunct restartable
> restores, once they are restartable and have exceeded the Restoreinterval;
> but irregularities can prevail.
>     Richard Sims

*Zoltan Forray*
TSM Software & Hardware Administrator
BigBro / Hobbit / Xymon Administrator
Virginia Commonwealth University
UCC/Office of Technology Services - 804-828-4807
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