I was wondering if anyone has come across this in the past. I don't have client 
side access but looks like they are at client level, which is about all 
I can say right now.

This client I'm told has over 14 million files on it. The restore which has 
been running for some days has not completely stopped moving data but there are 
2 sessions that had tapes mounted moving data that are in a "Run" state which 
show tapes mounted that no longer are. One of those actually dismounted that 
tape 2 days ago, the other just yesterday. Another session is moving data and 
the last is in a wait state for that tape.

My question is what may be going on with the 2 that actually do NOT have the 
tape mounted any longer but f=d shows they do.While I have seen customers with 
clients like this in the past none have ever attempted such a large restore.

Thank You
Geoff Gill

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