!!Maybe your volumes are *not* really empty:  retry with...

Query CONtent [volname] FOLLOWLinks=Yes    [especially for deduplicated

See Help Query CONtent for details ... including default: FOLLOWLinks=No   (w#203.432.6693, c#203.494.9201, h#203.387.3030)

On 10/22/2014 1:05 PM, Martha M McConaghy wrote:
Yup, they are really empty.

/data0/00000D57.BFS          DEDUPEPOOL      FILE 50.0
G       0.0       Full

tsm: TSMPRIMESERVER>q content /data0/00000D57.BFS
Session established with server TSMPRIMESERVER: Linux/x86_64
  Server Version 7, Release 1, Level 1.0
  Server date/time: 10/22/2014 12:54:58  Last access: 10/22/2014 11:36:27

ANR2034E QUERY CONTENT: No match found using this criteria.
ANS8001I Return code 11.


On 10/22/2014 12:08 PM, Michael Roesch wrote:
Hi Martha,

have you run "query content" on some of the volumes to see, if they are
really empty?


On Wed, Oct 22, 2014 at 5:47 PM, Martha M McConaghy <> wrote:

We just installed TSM 7.1 during the summer and have been working on
migrating our backups over from our old v5.5 system.  We are using
deduplication for our main storage pool and it seems to work great.
However, I'm concerned about how it is using the "volumes" in the
storage pool.  Since we never ran v6, I don't know if this is "normal"
or if we have stumbled upon a bug in 7.1.  So, I figured I'd ask on the
list and see if any of you have some insight.

Our dedupe storage pool is dev class FILE, of course.  It is set up to
acquire new scratch "volumes" as it needs over time. Originally, I had
the max scratch vols allowed at 999, which seemed reasonable. After
about a month, though, we hit that max and I had to keep raising it.
When I query the volumes belonging to this pool, I see many, many of
them in full status, with pct util=0:
Volume Name                             Storage Device
Estimated       Pct      Volume
                                                     Pool Name Class
Name      Capacity      Util      Status
------------------------                    -----------
----------              ---------     -----     --------
/data0/00000B55.BFS          DEDUPEPOOL      FILE 50.0
G       0.0       Full
/data0/00000B8F.BFS          DEDUPEPOOL      FILE 50.0
G       0.0       Full
/data0/00000BCF.BFS          DEDUPEPOOL      FILE 50.0
G       0.0       Full
/data0/00000BD6.BFS          DEDUPEPOOL      FILE 50.0
G       0.0       Full
/data0/00000C16.BFS          DEDUPEPOOL      FILE 50.0
G       0.0       Full
/data0/00000C2A.BFS          DEDUPEPOOL      FILE 50.0
G       0.0       Full
/data0/00000C63.BFS          DEDUPEPOOL      FILE 49.9
G     100.0       Full
/data0/00000C72.BFS          DEDUPEPOOL      FILE 50.0
G       0.0       Full
/data0/00000C79.BFS          DEDUPEPOOL      FILE 50.0
G       0.0       Full
/data0/00000C84.BFS          DEDUPEPOOL      FILE 50.0
G       0.0       Full
/data0/00000C8C.BFS          DEDUPEPOOL      FILE 50.0
G       0.0       Full
/data0/00000C93.BFS          DEDUPEPOOL      FILE 50.0
G       0.0       Full
/data0/00000C9A.BFS          DEDUPEPOOL      FILE 50.0
G       0.0       Full
/data0/00000CA1.BFS          DEDUPEPOOL      FILE 50.0
G       0.0       Full
/data0/00000CB3.BFS          DEDUPEPOOL      FILE 50.0
G       0.0       Full

Literally, hundreds of them.  I run reclamations, but these volumes
never get touched nor reclaimed.  Seems to me that they should. I've
gone over the admin guide several times, but have found nothing
on this.  We just applied the updates, but that has not helped
either.  If I do a move data on each, they will disappear. However,
more will return to take their place.  Anyone seen this before, or have
any suggestions?


Martha McConaghy
Marist: System Architect/Technical Lead
SHARE: Director of Operations
Marist College IT
Poughkeepsie, NY  12601

Martha McConaghy
Marist: System Architect/Technical Lead
SHARE: Director of Operations
Marist College IT
Poughkeepsie, NY  12601

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