I have been trying to get this to work for days now and I don't seem to be 
making any progress. I have tried all kinds of options in both the dsm.opt and 
tdpexc.cfg files and I get various messages. The documentation in the TDP for 
Exchange manual on doing replica backups is not very detailed at all.
Our environment looks like this.
We have two windows 2008 exchange 2007 servers setup for CCR replication to 
each other. I am trying to do replica backups on the offline cluster member so 
it doesn't affect performance on the live cluster member.
The TSM server is running on RHEL5 linux.
I thought I had it working but nothing was actually backed up. The TSM session 
was established on the TSM server but no data was actually sent. The sessions 
appeared to be hung and seemed to eventually timeout.
The other message I was receiving on the offline exchange cluster member was
Updating mailbox history on TSM Server...
Mailbox history has been updated successfully.

Querying Exchange Server to gather component information, please wait...

ACN5241E The Microsoft Exchange Information Store is currently not running.
but from what I was told by our exchange experts is that that service only runs 
on the active cluster member and not on the offline member.
Below are my sanitized dsm.opt and tdpexc.cfg
NODename          exchange
deduplication no
CLUSTERnode       yes
COMPRESSIon       Off
COMPRESSalways    On
PASSWORDAccess    Generate
resourceutilization 5
COMMMethod        TCPip
TCPPort           1500
TCPServeraddress tsmserver
TCPWindowsize     128
TCPBuffSize       64
diskbuffsize 32
SCHEDMODE             Prompted
SCHEDLOGRetention     14,d
HTTPport  1581
BUFFers     4
BUFFERSIze     8192
clusternode yes
compression off
compressalways on
LOGFile     tdpexc.log
LOGPrune     60
MOUNTWait     Yes
TEMPLOGRestorepath     P:\TempRestoreLoc
LASTPRUNEDate     10/31/2014 06:55:09
RETRies     0
LANGuage     ENU
LOCALDSMAgentnode     exchangeofflineclustertsmnodename
REMOTEDSMAgentnode              exchange
TEMPDBRestorepath     P:\TempRestoreLoc

Could someone who actually has this working send me their sanitized 
dsm.opt.tdpexc.cfg and the actual command used to do a replica backup from the
offline cluster member?

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