This could be normal if TSM is trying to recreate all the directory
structures. It creates this first, before restoring actual data.

With the newer versions of TSM, using a directory class management  (DIRMC)
shouldn’t be necessary, since ACL information is applied at a later point
in time. However with that said, I’ve seen fileservers with millions of
directory structures that could be spread  across many tapes, or even one

                You may want to open a ticket with support for
confirmation, but the symptoms you are reporting are similar to a problem I
had a while back.

See this technote with a bit more background.

On Wed, Dec 17, 2014 at 3:37 AM, Hans Christian Riksheim <>
> I am doing a file system restore. The number of volumes for this node is 35
> and is collocated by filespace.
> In the last 24 hours there has been 700 tape mounts for this restore
> session. One volume has been mounted 346 times. Total amount restored is
> about 200 GB.
> q ses f=d tells me that this is a NoQueryRestore.
> Is this to be expected?
> Regards
> Hans Chr.

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