
I do not know why this document was withdrawn. I provide the information

Automating Database Availability Group backups for Exchange 2010

How to do I automate a backup scheme for database copies in an a Microsoft
Exchange Server 2010 Database Availability Group (DAG) using IBM Tivoli
Storage Manager for Mail : Data Protection for Microsoft Exchange Server?

UPDATE: If you are using Data Protection for Exchange version 6.4 or later,
there is enhanced support for Exchange Server Database Availability Group
(DAG) environments. This includes the ability of the Exchange Servers to
work cooperatively to balance the backup workload amongst the servers you
choose as well as the ability to store all backups under a common Tivoli
Storage Manager Server node (DAGNODE). For more information, refer to the
Tivoli Storage Manager for Mail: Data Protection for Microsoft Exchange
Server Installation and User's Guide under sections titled:

Continuous replication backups on Exchange Server --> Replication on
Exchange Server 2010
Continuous replication backups on Exchange Server --> Database Availability
Group backup best practices.

When performing backups in a Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Database
Availability Group (DAG) environment, it is recommended to perform the
backups on the passive database copies. This helps reduce the resource
impact on the production Exchange server when performing backup operations
for your enterprise. However, there are instances where a passive database
copy is not in a healthy state and the active database copy may need to be
used for the backup.

The following sample Powershell script automates the backing up of the
databases hosted on an Exchange 2010 server in a DAG environment. The
script determines if the Exchange 2010 server is a member of a DAG and will
back up  its databases using the following scheme, consistent with best

Backup Scheme

The sample Powershell script uses the following logic for backing up the
Exchange 2010 server databases:

   Back up all local healthy passive database copies.
   Back up all local databases that are not replicated.
   Back up all local active database copies where a healthy passive copy is
   not available.


      # IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Mail
      # Data Protection for Microsoft Exchange Server
      # Script for backing up a DAG node - backupdag.ps1
      # 1. Check if server is a member of a DAG
      # 2. Get list of databases on server and thier replication staus
      # 3. Backup database if it meets one of the following:
      #    - Local Healthy passive database copy
      #    - Local Active copy where a healthy passive copy does not exist
      #    - Local Non replicated/recovery databases
      # Usage:
      #    PowerShell backupdag.ps1 <log file path>
      # Version: 1.0

      # --- get server name ---
      $server  = hostname
      $server  = $server.ToUpper()
      $isDAG   = $false
      $logFile = ".\backup.log"

      # --- write log entry ---
      function WriteOut
         param($msg, $log)
         Write-Output((get-date -format 'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss') +" - " +
         Write-Output((get-date -format 'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss') +" - " +
      $msg) |
            out-file -encoding ASCII -filepath "$log" -append:$true

      # --- check parameters ---
      if ($args)
         $logFile = "$args"

      WriteOut ("Server: " + $server) $logFile

      # --- is DP for Exchange installed? ---
      $versionInfo = Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\SOFTWARE\IBM\ADSM
      if (!$?)
         WriteOut "DP for Exchange is not installed." $logFile
         exit 1

      # --- build full path to comand line ---
      $commandLine = $versionInfo.TSMExchangePath + "TDPExchange

      # --- is this server a member of the DAG ? ---
      $members = Get-DatabaseAvailabilityGroup
      if ( $members )
         # --- look for server in DAG members ---
         foreach ( $member in $members.servers )
            if ( $member.Name.ToUpper().Contains($server) )
               $isDAG = $true

      if ( $isDAG )
         # --- get mailbox databases for server ---
         $databases = Get-MailboxDatabase -server $server -Status
         if ( $databases )

            WriteOut "Building database backup list..." $logFile
            # --- initialize database backup list ----
            $backupList = ""

            # --- get replication type and copy status for each database
            foreach( $database in $databases )
               # --- setup state variables ---
               $healthyCopyExists = $false
               $localActiveCopy   = $false

               # --- type "Remote" indicates remote replicated copy ---
               $type = $database.ReplicationType.ToString()
               if ( $type.CompareTo("Remote") -eq 0 )
                  # --- get copy status for each database ---
                  $statuses = Get-MailboxDatabaseCopyStatus $database.Name
                  if ( $statuses )
                     foreach( $status in $statuses )
                        # --- look if a healthy copy exists ---
                        if ( $status.Status.ToString().CompareTo("Healthy")
      -eq 0 )
                            $healthyCopyExists = $true

                            if ( $status.Name.Contains( $server ) )
                               WriteOut ("==> Backing Up Healthy Passive
      Database Copy '$database'") $logFile
                               $backupList += ('"' + $database + '"' + ',')
                        elseif ( $status.Status.ToString().CompareTo
      ("Mounted") -eq 0 )
                            # --- check for local active database copy ---
                            if ( $status.Name.Contains( $server ) )
                               $localActiveCopy = $true

                     # --- if a healthy copy does not exist, backup local
      active ---
                     if ( (! $healthyCopyExists) -and ($localActiveCopy) )
                        WriteOut ("==> Backing Up Active Database (No
      Healthy Copies Found) '$database'") $logFile
                        $backupList += ('"' + $database + '"' + ',')
               else # --- non replicated local database ---
                  # --- skip local recovery databases ---
                  if ( ! $database.Recovery -and $database.Mounted )
                     WriteOut ("==> Backing Up Non Replicated Database
      '$database'") $logFile
                     $backupList += ('"' + $database + '"' + ',')
                     if ( $database.Recovery )
                        WriteOut "==> Skipping Recovery Database
      '$database'" $logFile
                        WriteOut "==> Skipping Dismounted Non Replicated
      Database '$database'" $logFile

            if ( $backupList )
               WriteOut("Executing command: '" +  $commandLine + "' BACKUP
               & "$commandLine" BACKUP "$backupList"
               WriteOut "Backup completed." $logFile
               WriteOut ("BACKUP LIST EMPTY" ) $logFile
         WriteOut "This Server is NOT a member of a DAG" $logFile
         exit 1

      exit 0


Note: This script is provided as an example and not eligible for support by
IBM. The customer assumes responsibility for adopting, modifying,
troubleshooting, or debugging, this script in their specific environment.

The sample Powershell script takes an optional parameter which is the path
to a log file.  If the parameter is not specified, logging will be directed
to a file called ".\backup.log". The script output is sent to the log file
as well as the console.

Example Output

2010-06-08 02:45:35 - Server: MYSERVER
2010-06-08 02:45:38 - Building database backup list...
2010-06-08 02:45:38 - ==> Backing Up Non Replicated Database 'Mailbox
Database 1'
2010-06-08 02:45:38 - ==> Backing Up Non Replicated Database 'Mailbox
Database 2'
2010-06-08 02:45:38 - ==> Skipping Dismounted Non Replicated Database 'Test
Mailbox Database'
2010-06-08 02:45:38 - ==> Backing Up Non Replicated Database 'Mailbox
Database 3'
2010-06-08 02:45:38 - ==> Backing Up Healthy Passive Database Copy 'Mailbox
Database 4'
2010-06-08 02:45:38 - ==> Backing Up Healthy Passive Database Copy 'Mailbox
Database 5'
2010-06-08 02:45:38 - ==> Backing Up Active Database (No Healthy Copies
Found) 'Mailbox Database 6'
2010-06-08 02:45:38 - Executing command: 'C:\Program Files\Tivoli\tsm
\TDPExchange\tdpexcc.exe' BACKUP '"Mailbox Database 1","Mailbox Database
2","Test Mailbox Database","Mailbox Database 3","Mailbox Database
4","Mailbox Database 5","Mailbox Database 6" '
2010-06-08 02:47:52 - Backup completed.

Software Requirements


Running the Sample Powershell Script from a Scheduler

If you want to run the provided sample Powershell script on a scheduled
basis using either the IBM Tivoli Storage Manager central scheduler or the
Windows Task Scheduler service, follow these steps:

1. Create a .cmd or .bat command file to run the sample Powershell script.

2. Add the following statement to the command file to execute the sample
Powershell script correctly:

PowerShell.exe -command ". 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14
\bin\RemoteExchange.ps1'; Connect-ExchangeServer -auto; backupdag.ps1"

Note: For more information about launching Powershell scripts, please refer
to the following Microsoft TechNet Library section titled "Scripting with
the Exchange Management Shell":

3. Run the script either from the IBM Tivoli Storage Manager central
scheduler as described in "Chapter
6. Using the Tivoli Storage Manager scheduler" of the IBM Tivoli Storage
Manager for Mail: Data Protection for Microsoft Exchange Server
Installation and User's Guide V6.1.2:
or from a Windows Scheduler Task.

Note: Running from a Windows Scheduler Task requires the following task
security settings:

   Run as a domain administrator or other privileged user task (i.e. not a
   System Task)
   Run whether user is logged in or not.
   Run with highest privileges.

"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU> wrote on 12/30/2014
11:20:47 AM:

> From: "Stackwick, Stephen" <stephen.stackw...@icfi.com>
> Date: 12/30/2014 11:24 AM
> Subject: [ADSM-L] Powershell script for Exchange DAG backup automation
> Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU>
> Del Hoobler recently mentioned a whitepaper with a sample Powershell
> script to automate DAG backups. I can't seem to find it anymore and
> a Google search for it yields a broken link, http://www-01.ibm.com/
> support/docview.wss?uid=swg21433016
> Did IBM withdraw it for some reason? I'd like to get started trying
> to load-balance our backups, but would like not to start from
> scratch if possible.
> Steve
> STEPHEN STACKWICK | Senior Consultant | 301.518.6352 (m) |
> stephen.stackw...@icfi.com<mailto:sstackw...@icfi.com> | icfi.com<
> http://www.icfi.com/>
> ICF INTERNATIONAL | 7125 Thomas Edison Dr, Suite 100, Columbia, Md
> 21046 | 443-573-0524, 443-718-4900 (o)

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