You should take a look at event logging in TSM, this link may help.


On Wed, Oct 7, 2015 at 9:42 AM, Srikanth Kola23 <srkol...@in.ibm.com> wrote:

> Hi Team,
> recently we have moved servers to tsm/ve backups , but most of the clients
> we do not alter sys/opt files & do not kill scheduler service hence we are
> getting below alerts as a bunch ( we do not have client access)
> can we disable events for the particular msg number (ANR0422W) for act log
> tracking for some nodes ( more than 1000)
> Oct 7, 2015, 12:08:40 AM ANR0422W Session 15971 for node POKCPSAPAP12
> (Linux x86-64) refused - node name not registered. (SESSION: 15971)
> Thanks & Regards,
> Srikanth kola
> Backup & Recovery
> IBM India Pvt Ltd, Chennai
> Mobile: +91 9885473450

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