This isn't really helpful for your specific situation, Pam (I don't think
I've had the specific errors you've seen).  But I have noticed (with much
dismay) that the 7.x clients for AIX have required significantly more memory
than earlier versions.  I have clients with 1+ million files in a filesystem
that had no problems with 6.x and earlier clients, but consistently required
huge data ulimits after upgrading to 7.x (and would fail, often completely
silently, if the ulimit wasn't high enough).

I don't know what IBM did with the 7.x clients to make them so memory-greedy
compared to earlier versions.  Maybe the client-side dedupe support or
something, though I'm not using those newer features currently, so I would
hope that wouldn't be a factor.  Then again, I would hope IBM would realize
that setting the data ulimit to unlimited isn't really a best practice and
that having successful backups shouldn't require risking breaking services on
the systems those backups are protecting.  (</soapbox>)

So far, I've gotten by with a non-unlimited ulimit, but it seems like I do
have to keep raising it with each new 7.x client release...


On 04/27/2016 09:09 AM, Pagnotta, Pamela (CONTR) wrote:
> Hi Matthew,
> Yes, the root user ulimits is set to unlimited on all the AIX servers.
> Regards,
> Pam Pagnotta
> Sr. System Engineer
> Criterion Systems, Inc./ActioNet
> Contractor to US. Department of Energy
> Office of the CIO/IM-622
> Office: 301-903-5508
> Mobile: 301-335-8177
> From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU] On Behalf Of 
> Matthew McGeary
> Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2016 9:56 AM
> Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] TSM Client upgrade on AIX
> Good morning Pam,
> We encountered errors backing up filesystems with large numbers of files 
> until we set the root user ulimits to unlimited.  That fixed the problem but 
> can have other consequences, obviously.  Do you know if your AIX admin tried 
> changing the ulimits?
> Regards,
> __________________________
> Matthew McGeary
> Senior Technical Specialist - Infrastructure
> PotashCorp
> T: (306) 933-8921
> From:        "Pagnotta, Pamela (CONTR)" <>
> Date:        04/27/2016 07:47 AM
> Subject:        [ADSM-L] TSM Client upgrade on AIX
> Sent by:        "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU>
> ________________________________
> Hello,
> Recently one of our AIX administrators upgraded the TSM client to on 
> her servers. Many of them started receiving errors like
> calloc() failed: Size 31496 File ../mem/mempool.cpp Line 1092
> I looked this up and the indication is that the AIX server could not supply 
> enough memory to TSM to complete the backup. We opened a ticket and were told 
> to try memoryefficientbackup with diskcachemethod. This did not fix the issue.
> In frustration the administrator reinstalled a TSM client version of 
> and is no longer experiencing the memory problems.
> Any thoughts?
> Thank you,
> Pam
> Pam Pagnotta
> Sr. System Engineer
> Criterion Systems, Inc./ActioNet
> Contractor to US. Department of Energy
> Office of the CIO/IM-622
> Office: 301-903-5508
> Mobile: 301-335-8177

Hello World.                                David Bronder - Systems Architect
Segmentation Fault                                      ITS-EI, Univ. of Iowa
Core dumped, disk trashed, quota filled, soda warm.

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