I'm trying to include volley in my project.  I've updated the build.gradle 
file and added:

However, now when I 'gradle clean assembleDebug' I'm getting an issue with 


java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: method ID not in [0, 0xffff]: 65536

at com.android.dx.merge.DexMerger$6.updateIndex(DexMerger.java:499)

at com.android.dx.merge.DexMerger$IdMerger.mergeSorted(DexMerger.java:274)

at com.android.dx.merge.DexMerger.mergeMethodIds(DexMerger.java:488)

at com.android.dx.merge.DexMerger.mergeDexBuffers(DexMerger.java:165)

at com.android.dx.merge.DexMerger.merge(DexMerger.java:186)

at com.android.dx.command.dexer.Main.mergeLibraryDexBuffers(Main.java:300)

at com.android.dx.command.dexer.Main.run(Main.java:232)

at com.android.dx.command.dexer.Main.main(Main.java:174)

at com.android.dx.command.Main.main(Main.java:91)

:myApp:dexDebug FAILED

Any ideas on what might be causing this?  I've tried building volley from 
git and adding the jar to the libs as well with the same results.  If I 
just remove the reference everything builds fine.

Please let me know if there is any other information that would be useful 
in debugging this.  I've included the full dex line below.

Thanks in advance,


DEX output

    /Users/rindress/devtools/android-sdk-macosx/build-tools/17.0.0/dx --dex 
--output /Users/rindress/git/android-nga/myapp/build/libs/myapp-debug.dex 

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