I already sent this post to the DOTNET-CLR list, but didn't get a reply.
Maybe someone on this list can provide me some information.

I would like to write a server application which can handle http AND
socket connections, depending on the J2ME MIDP client capabilities.

If a MIDP device supports sockets I would like to use them because of  less
overhead. But since MIDP devices only have to support HTTP I have to support
both, sockets and http.

How can I accomplish this in .NET?

I'm new to .NET and have found the following classes which seem to be
usefull for the described task:
#how can I recieve these objects from a client?

Or do I have to use the classes located in System.Web (seem only be
available with ASP.Net)?

Is a InputStream - or any other Stream class - in Java comparable to a
NetworkStream class in .net?

To summarize:
Is there a way to handle Http requests like socket connections on the
server side? How can I filter Http headers if I use sockets on the server
side and http on the client side?

General understanding:
IMHO a Stream Socket (like NetworkStream) is on the same OSI layer like TCP
and UDP?!?
Regarding the former, does it make sense (is it possible at all) to
propagate a diagnosted http connection to a upper layer (http) which has
spezial functions to work with these?

I know there are many questions but please respond to them. Any
comments, help, hints are appreciated.

Claus Klammer

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