Wow - running NUnit tests on the client?  I usually put those in the
build process...

Anyway...  To be honest, I'm not completely sure: it might be a bad
thing to do in most situations, but there's one scenario in which it
might help: I would expect to see an improvement in startup time after a
fresh download if you use MultiDomain, because the results of all the
JIT compilation done for running the unit tests can then be used
straight away in the main AppDomain.  Without this LoaderOptimization
setting, you'd end up doing all the JIT compilation twice.

However, in the case where there is no new code, I would just expect it
to slow things down very slightly.  So if you expect there to be no new
code most times the application is launched, this attribute would
probably hinder you rather than helping you.

Worse, even in the case mentioned above, although the setting might help
your load times in the cases where new code is available, it might still
slow things down in the long run even in those cases.

That said, I would recommend performing real timing tests against all of
these.  It might be that the slowdowns caused by using sharable code are
essentially undetectable in your application.  (The differences between
sharable code and AppDomain-specific code are not all that big.)  If
this turns out to be the case, and you also discover that the load time
savings on the 'new code available' case *are* noticeable, then maybe it
would be best to enable this.

(What a long winded way of saying "I don't know. Why don't you time it?"
that was!)

Ian Griffiths

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Marc Brooks [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > All that this attribute does is shares JITed code across
> > appdomains.
> So my question is this... if I have a "stub" EXE that does the
> autoupdate thing, and also uses NUnit to validate that the updated
> is good (and rollback if not), both of which use extra AppDomains, do
> get
> a benefit from using this hint?

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