Hi John,

I think either you're over-analyzing this, or the problem is in fact much
bigger than MVC. :)

Let's forget about MVC for a moment, and consider a much more common
scenario: WM_PAINT.

Do the View objects know how to render themselves, without asking anything
of the Document?  Probably not.

But alas, if the Document state is locked by a long-running operation on a
background thread... well, the app is just going to suck.

I think that the best (only?) solution may be to revist the background
thread's design, and employ a much more fine-grained approach to locking and
releasing the Document's state.

At the end of the day, the whole "don't block the UI thread" rule is a
subjective one -- all cpu instructions take some finite amount of time to
complete, so what constitutes "blocking"?  (A few simple math instructions?
Definitely not.  Long division? Probably not.  Calculating pi to 3 million
decimal places?  Probably.  Oops, where did we cross over?)

So, if you can reengineer the background thread such that it never locks the
Document for more than N cpu cycles (where N is some
arbitrary-but-acceptably-small number to achieve good UI responsiveness),
that's what I'd recommend.

Off the top of my head, the only cases I can think of where that might not
be possible are pretty exotic.  Like, if our Document class is/has an
XmlDocument, and we have to lock the whole shebang during a long-running XSL
transform operation -- the crux being, we don't own the source to the XSLT
engine, and so we can't achieve any finer-grained locking.

In an exotic case like that, it might be best to fork off a clone of the
Document object; let the worker thread crunch on that while the View objects
still have (at least readonly) access to the original Doc.  Then, when the
transform is complete, swap out the doc and fire a DocumentChanged event so
the views can repaint themselves.


-----Original Message-----
From: John Elliot [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, February 27, 2004 20:26
Subject: Re: Thread with message pump (UI thread)

> I'm not certain that I understand your situation completely, but I
> see any issues that wouldn't be handled by using BeginInvoke rather
> Invoke.  That will let both UI and process threads proceed without
> on the other.

I was implying that I would use BeginInvoke, so that each thread could
execute concurrently. My problem is that even if both threads are
executing concurrently, if they try and share resources for which there
might be some contention, then a resource could be locked, and one
thread could block while waiting for it. Meaning that I could block the
UI thread, which is something I'd like to avoid.

So my two considered solutions were to either:
A: Not rely on the shared resource for state, but rather pass state with
the event, or
B: Create a 'message pump', where I can queue event delegates and invoke
them once the worker thread has finished.

It may be the case that I don't need to worry about this, but then there
will be resource contention, and I'm not sure if this is a good idea.
Also, what if the state objects were not thread safe? Then I'd have to
use one of the methods left above, or risk using bogus data.

I'm still looking for an async MVC pattern for WinForms. Anyone know
anything about this?

Basically the Model contains state and throws events, and the Views
receive the events so they can update themselves in the UI. But the
Models state is changed on a worker thread, and the Views need to update
themselves on the UI thread. But the code on the UI thread that updates
the View can't ask for data from the Model while it is possible that the
model is being manipulated by a worker thread, because the worker thread
may have locked the Model causing the UI thread to block.


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