Surely you want SingleCall, not Singleton.

Couple of questions:

Q1: How many machines you're using for the test (I guess 1 for test client
and 1 for server)?
If 1, then not sure what you're testing but maybe Q2 needs an answer.

Q2. What's your machine like and particularly how many CPUs?
Hint: if you say 1 wtf :), if 2, then think about it (you have 1 UI thread +
2 background threads + at least one for GC +at least 1 main on server-side +
1 GC...) but in any case Q3 needs an answer

Q3. What does "loops for N seconds" mean - do you actually spin loop like:
    while (current time - start time < timeout) { }?
If yes, then depends on previous answer, but in any case Windows sucks BIG
TIME (compared to, say, Solaris) with thread switching, where even 1 thread
spin loops like that.



On Thu, Mar 20, 2008 at 3:30 PM, Jeremy Byron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> I have been struggling with this for a few weeks now.  I have searched
> on the web high and low, purchased "advanced" remoting books, searched
> newsgroups and these discussion group's archives.  I see hints of
> explanations/solutions, but nothing that seems to work or explain what
> is going on.
> We are not doing anything special.  We are just trying to create some
> objects that will be remoted and accessed by WinForms clients and
> ASP.NET clients.  But we are noticing that the requests are being
> processed on the server sequentially.  So basically, the remoting object
> processes one call at a time, with concurrent requests blocking.
> I have created a test project (source is available, but I suspect
> someone will be able to answer this without needing to see the source.
> This seems like such a basic issue I'm sure someone has some insight).
> Very basic.
> One remoted object - two methods: LongRunningProcess() and
> ShortRunningProcess()
> Server is Console app - just sets up the remoting and remotes the one
> object (no config file, all done via code)
> Client is a WinForms application.  Single form with two buttons, one for
> each of the methods (and a corresponding textbox to see the results).
> Each button spawns a worker thread to make the remote call, so calls are
> not blocking on client-side.
> Using TCP/Binary channel/formatter.
> Each of the remote functions is the same, enter a tight loop for a
> specified period of time then return a string with time loop started,
> time loop ended, thread id and threadPool status of each thread.
> LongRunning just loops for 30 seconds and shortRunning loops for 3.
> So here's the problem.
> When I run the test, I click "Start Long Running" then immediately click
> "Start Short Running".  After 30 seconds, the LongRunning returns, then
> 3 seconds later ShortRunning returns.  Server Thread IDs are the same
> and it is a threadpool thread. (Client ThreadIDs are different
> obviously)  Obviously the calls are blocking so the remoting host can
> only process one request at a time???
> Now, I try putting a "Thread.Sleep(250)" in the loop of the long
> running, now when I click my two buttons, ShortRunning returns after 3
> seconds and LongRunning returns after 30 seconds and they both have
> different threadIDs and both threads are threadPool threads.
> I was under the impression that on the remoting server side, the
> requests were handled via the threadpool and hence did not block each
> other.  But from my results it sounds more complicated then that.  It
> would seem to be quite detrimental to throughput to have requests
> blocking each other like this.  And I would think that if it was a
> requirement for me to spawn worker threads in my remotedObject (or use
> the sleep method) that would be documented somewhere.  But I've never
> seen it anywhere.
> I've tried using SingleCall and Singleton for my remoted object (one
> post I read said Singleton was multi-threaded whereas Singlecall was
> not).  I've even tried changing my host to IIS (and using the remoting
> config file) with the same results.
> Does anyone have any insight on how to get my object to process requests
> concurrently?
> Thanks in advance.
> Jeremy
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