"Farwell, Paul" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> asked:

> We have a calendar component that we want displayed when the user clicks the
> JComboBox arrow.  Does anyone know a relatively painless way to set a
> component -- other than the default JList -- as the popup item in a
> JComboBox? In looking at the JComboBox source and its delegates (e.g.
> BasicComboBoxUI, BasicComboPopup) it looks as if JList is pretty tightly
> coupled as the JComboBox's popup component. 

Yes, I couldnt find a way to replace JList. I ended up building my own, wasnt as hard 
as subclassing JComboBox. 

If you want to look at what i did, you can get our (LGPL) source snapshot at 


and look at ucar.unidata.ui.SuperComboBox. 

Regards, John

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