First I would like to thank those that were able to point out my stupid
mistake of forgetting to put a setVisible in my code in order to see my
internal frames.

Next I have a couple more questions.  I am new to Swing programming and was
wondering if someone could point me in the right direction for doing the

- I have my JFrame in which I add a JDesktopPane, and in that I have a
couple of JInternalFrames that I use.  In the main winow of the app (the
content pane of the JFrame if I am correct) I would like to put a tiled
image to serve as the background.  I thought I was doing it correctly, but
nothing shows up.  I created an ImagePanel class that extends JPanel and
does the following in the constructor:
    image = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage("test.gif");
    MediaTracker tracker = new MediaTracker(this);
    try { tracker.waitForID(0); }
    catch (InterruptedException exception) {}

and then the paintComponent method draws the image in the top left corner
and then copies it the rest of the panel.

I then created a panel of the ImagePanel type and added it to the content
pane of JFrame by doing the following:
    ImagePanel imagePanel = new ImagePanel();

    Container content = getContentPane();

I then go on to add the desktop and the internal frames.  Is there a flaw in
my understanding on how to do this?

- I would also like to find some reference that can point me in the right
direction to do the following:  My first internal frame that I add to the
desktop contains a JTable which I would like to populate from a database
(mySQL server).  When I double click on one of the rows or single click on a
row and then click Open button, I would like to open another internal frame
with fields populated from the recordset for which row I selected.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.


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