Recently there has been a large amount of spam on the swing list and the
advanced-swing list. From now on it will therefore only be possible to
post to the lists if you are a subscriber.

Some people are subscribed to the lists through YahooGroups, which
subscribes to our lists. This may cause problems for those people. 
Solution: subscribe using the web at or

If you want to be able to receive normal mails instead of just the
digest mails, you have to be subscribed directly through our lists
mentioned above.

I hope this will solve the problems.

Jens Møller, EOS
                 WHO'S AT JAOO? -
Eastfork Object Space (EOS), Margrethepladsen 3, 8000  Århus C, Denmark
Tel: +45 8732 8787 / Fax: +45 8732 8788
Advanced-swing mailing list

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