Do you mean that you lose the selection with every move of the caret 
resulted from an arrow keypress?  Could you provide a link to a example of 
what you are trying to do (a small applet, a collection of screenshots, or 
a jar file of a sample application)?


At 04:24 AM 1/16/2002, Ravyts, Sofie wrote:
>I have another problem with highlighting in a textcomponent( a JTextPane)
>I catch the caretupdate event to select parts of my text when the user
>selects a character (the text contains of collections of characters instead
>of separate characters... So if a character is selected i want to select all
>the characters in the collection of the selected character.)
>The problem is that i can get it to work with the mouse, but not with the
>arrows on the keyboard. The background selection color with the arrows turns
>white instead of the blue i set it to (with setSelectionColor()).
>When i do the same thing with the mouse, it works fine (a blue background

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