
First of all, thanks a lot for your help and advice. It has been very
helpful to me, and I am sure to many other people on this mailing list.
Secondly, I did try to remove the scroll pane from the picture and just add
the panel directly to my applet instead. This is my goal anyway -- remove
scrolling from the applet no matter what the size of the component/panel is.
I call the JavaScript function to reset the overall size of the applet. This
part works. What does not work, as I explained, is the part where I
calculate the size/height of the panel. To explain the issue, I have a
dropdown that loads a specific panel depending on the value selected in the
dropdown. A typical panel has a variety of controls in it: combo boxes,
JPanel components, lists, text areas, buttons, tables, lables, etc.

I don't overwrite the getPreferredSize() method in my panel(s). So, I expect
the layout manager to compute this. I use GridBagLayout almost everywhere in
the panels. 

I realize that the layout manager probably does not do a good job here for
some reason. Howeber, since the JScrollPane internally calculates the size
of the panel correctly and provides the appropriate scrolling, I assume I
should be able to get the correct height of the main panel as well.

Result I am getting now: Instead of, say, 1800-2000 height, I am getting 600
or so. So, it underestimates the height of the panel(s).


-----Original Message-----
From: Dmitry Beransky [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2002 1:19 PM
Subject: Re: Preferred size or just size at run-time.

If you haven't overridden getPreferredSize() of JPanel and don't use 
non-standard Look and Feel, then the preferred size is computed by the 
panel's layout manager.  Are you using a layout manager?  What are the 
incorrect numbers that you're seeing and what do you expect to see?  In my 
experience scroll panes have always been the source of sizing problems 
(but, frankly, I don't have enough experience working with them, so I don't 
quite understand what makes them tick).  Do you get the expected value if 
you take the scroll pane temporarily out of the picture?  Some component 
(eg. JLabels because they need font metrics) rely on a valid graphics 
context to be present.  This means that you can will not get a valid result 
until after addNotified() had been called.  This is a complicated issue, 
and the more info you can provide about your setup the better :)


At 06:54 AM 1/17/2002, Reinstein, Lenny wrote:
>I am trying to determine the size of my panel at run-time. I.e., I have a
>panel that contains many other panels with multiple controls/components
>I place into a scroll pane and then into the applet. However, when I call
>the getPreferredSize method on the panel, it does not return the correct
>size. Is there a way to get this "right" size from it? I call "validate"
>before calling getPreferredSize.
>Many thanks.

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