The one glaring omission from Swing (or even AWT) is a *decent* web browser component.
JEditorPane only handles trivial HTML, so its basically useless for this purpose.

HotJava was a decent component, but it couldn't handle Flash or Javascript too well.
Actually it had clean architecture and was a way cool browser for its time, but I digress.

I've used the IceSoft Browser component which is quite a polished product, but you
need a license to use it. Although there's a free download if you want to build a prototype
where you're embedding the browser in a fat client,
e.g., ... ok its a plug...

Swing *needs* a component like this, then you could build fat clients that can talk to
all those JSP/Servlets on the back end. And we don't have to resort to using IE for
even the simplest of HTML/XML-ish things.

Besides a series of programmer-friendly JTable subclasses that the average application programmer
can use, a *decent* browser component will go a long way.

Sun Swing folks... how about talking to the IceSoft people?

Frank G.

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